22nd Feb.2024 Starseed Online Event Vol.2 "Reconnecting to your origin for Starseeds"


What is Starseed?

"Starseed" whose soul's origin is on the other planet, but born as a human on this planet, Earth. Most people on the Earth are Starseeds. And most of us born on Earth at this point of time during this process of ascension are starseeds.

In other words, in addition to the fact we exist as “earthlings”, we also exist as “a cosmic multidimensional self.” 

The reason for this lies in the ascension that the Earth is about to undergo in full scale; This ascension is a cosmic event that will bring about major evolution and growth, not only of Earth, but also of other planets, galaxies, and even all dimensions.

To that end, Starseeds from various planets gather on Earth, participate and cooperate in Earth's ascension, and furthermore, the mission of Starseeds is to convey and utilize what they have learned on Earth to their home planet.

Starseed Free Online Event Vol.2

Starseed workshop started last year in May with a small group of Starseeds. We will invite more people to join through public applications this year.

★Thursday 22nd Feb.2024
Abundance of love and light for Starseeds

There are many spiritual supports available around you. One of them is aliens who can help achieve your purpose on this planet and the universe, and you can receive vibrational and energetic support from your Starseed origin, etc. 

In this event, Yumiko will talk about spiritual support that can help Starseeds, and you will be helped to be connected and open up to these supports available for you. 

You will receive powerful healing energy throughout this live event. If you cannot attend the event you can also receive the healing vibration when you listen to the voice recording later.

※ Please note that the amount of healing you can receive depends on how open you are to healing energy as this is a free event.

※ We uploaded the video of the Starseed event on 18th January. →

Date: Thursday 22 Feb. 2024

Time: 20:00 to 21:00 pm

This is a Free event

Online by ZOOM

Please feel free to invite your friends


Leaves Institute