Alchemical Healing Circle 

With this Alchemical Healing, instant transformation is possible. This Alchemical Healing Circle creates an opportunity to change and move forward your situation.

Please attend this Healing CIrcle with a healing request for yourself, your family members and/or your friends. Please be specific on how and where you want the healing. 

Customised healing will be given to each participant while receiving expanded healing energy from the circle. The healing energy in the circle will heal your body, mind and soul, and you will feel peace and happiness. 

You will also receive energetic and vibrational cleansing to be light and refreshed.

Date: 25/5 2024 (Saturday) 

Time: 5:30 - 6:10pm 

Duration: 40mins

Fee: £35

Venue: Leaves Institute Tent @ Woodland Spa 

Max: 14 people